
Earn 3.5% APR on each deposit! Introducing the new Steaker Account.

Feb 4, 2021

When managing crypto assets, it would be great to easily access your savings and watch the interests grow day by day. Luckily, Steaker hears you! From now on, you can earn 3.5% of the annual percentage rate (APR) once depositing to the Steaker Account, without subscribing to any projects or being restricted by lock-up periods.

Steaker Account also provides convenience for those who have expired projects but haven’t made their next investing decisions. Instead of redeeming into your existing wallets, you can choose to send the crypto assets back to Steaker Account, earning interest every day while thinking about the next steps. Read below to explore more new features of Steaker Account.

Manage multiple currencies at a time, making crypto asset management easier!

From the homepage of Steaker Account, users can view the total assets, including deposits in USDT, USDC, and DAI, as well as the net asset value (NAV) in investment.

With a 3.5% APR, users can find the interest being added to the original principal balance at 8 am every day and witness compound power.

The new features also allow users to deposit and withdraw assets with one-click, making the process easier and more smoothly.

Reduce transaction frequency, saving on the rising gas fee.

Steaker Account offers a new payment method while subscribing to new investment projects. Users can choose to be automatically charged from the Steaker Account instead of sending cryptocurrency from their crypto wallet. Users can also redeem their funds to Steaker Account when the project expires.

These features reduce the processing time and operational risk of transactions and save the gas fees, which are likely to rise as the demand and popularity of Ethereum increases continuously.

Transactions transparency

You can track every transaction status on Etherscan anytime with the TXID.


The Flexible Project subscription is no longer available; users who have subscribed to this plan will not be affected. Explore more on