Fee Schedule

  • 0% Front-end Load

    No fees required during promotion

  • 0~30% Incentive Fee

    Fees charged upon the accrual of interest

  • 0~0.25% Redemption Fee

    Fees charged only for funds redemption

  • 0~1.5% Management Fee

    Fees incurred for fund settlement

Steaker currently supports cryptos like USDⓢ, ETH, and BTC depending on portfolio types. Processing fees will be automatically deducted upon deposit, investment, and redemption. The fee schedule and more details are as follows.

  • The promotion is still ongoing, so no front-end load is required.

  • Incentive fees are calculated as per the agreed ratio of the interest accrued.

  • Redemption fees are calculated as per the agreed ratio of the settlement amount (principal + interest from which incentive fees have been deducted).

  • Management fees are calculated as per the agreed ratio of the principal.

There will be a penalty for early redemption.

If a request for redemption is submitted before a portfolio matures, a penalty shall result. The amount of penalty varies depending on the type and the remaining effective days of the portfolio that you subscribe to.

Fee Rates Overview
There is a particular method of calculation for each type of fee mentioned: Incentive fees are calculated on the basis of interest, while redemption fees are calculated on the basis of the settlement amount (principal + interest from which incentive fees have been deducted), etc. Check the table of the fee schedule below for further details.

Suppose you subscribe to the 1-year Variable-Rate Portfolio with 10,000 USDⓢ, the total interest (without deduction of incentive fees) generated upon portfolio maturity will be 1,700 USDⓢ:

Incentive fees: 1,700 x 26% = 442 USDⓢ

Interest minus incentive fees: 1,700 - 442 = 1,258 USDⓢ (with an APY of about 12.58%)

Redemption fees upon maturity: (10,000 + 1,258) x 0.15% = 16.887 USDⓢ

You will receive: 10,000 + 1,258 - 16.887 = 11,241.113 USDⓢ