
方案更新|Steaker Project Adjustment Notice

Sep 3, 2020

Steaker 方案更新公告|Steaker Project Adjustment Notice

[中文請往下讀 / Chinese Below]

Currently, Steaker has improved itself via landing page redesign and product upgrade. We are introducing the “USDⓢ Fixed-Rate” and “USDⓢ Flexible” with a shorter contract period and lower investment required to replace the original USDⓢ deposit projects.

About USDⓢ Fixed-Rate

Before the upgrade, the USDⓢ Certificate Deposit required a minimum of 10,000 USDⓢ in investment. As more new users sign up Steaker, we decided to adjust the threshold significantly to make digital asset allocation much easier for everyone. With USDⓢ Fixed-Rate, the user only needs to prepare 2,000 USDⓢ for applying for a three-month contract, and it will generate a fixed 6% APR as the return.

About USDⓢ Flexible

Starting today, the USDⓢ Demand Deposit renews as USDⓢ Flexible, providing a flexible digital asset investment solution to users. Following the same deposit requirement of 1,000 USDⓢ, users can enjoy a fixed annual remuneration of 3.5% and manage their funds flexibly and withdrawn anytime.

The above adjustments will not affect users’ rights and interests who initially apply for USDⓢ Certificate Deposit and USDⓢ Demand Deposit projects.

Steaker 方案更新公告

為了超前部署未來的產品規劃,Steaker 近期首頁大更新,並針對部分方案做調整—推出鎖倉時間更短、入金門檻更親民的「固定利率」及「彈性利率」方案來取代原本的 USDⓢ 活存/定存方案。


原本入金門檻 10,000 USDⓢ,固定年化報酬 6% 的「USDⓢ 定存方案」,即日起變更為「USDⓢ 固定利率方案」。隨著愈來愈多新用戶加入,我們決定大幅降低「固定利率方案」的投放門檻讓大家更輕易地做資產配置,只要 2,000 USDⓢ 就可申購,為期三個月期,相較於本來的方案其鎖倉時間大幅縮短,讓用戶可以更輕易地享有固定 6% 的年化報酬。

除此之外,即日起活存方案也更名為「USDⓢ 彈性方案」,強調提供不綁約、隨時可贖回的彈性服務給用戶,與原方案規則一樣,只要 1,000 USDⓢ 既可申購並固定享有 3.5% 年化報酬。

以上調整對於原本申購 USDⓢ 活存、USDⓢ 定存方案的用戶,權益將不會受影響。