
方案更新|秘銀定存 APR 調整公告 MITH Staking APR Adjustment

2月 13, 2020

Steaker 於 2020 年 6月 2日 12:00 PM(UTC+8)調整秘銀定存方案年化報酬率(原本為秘銀鎖倉挖礦,已正式改名為秘銀定存)。

秘銀定存是 Steaker 與 MITH 於 2019 年合作推出的客製化方案,提供秘銀持有者以定存秘銀(MITH)獲取獎勵的機會。目前一年期方案,用戶定存秘銀一年可以獲得 10% 的年化報酬率,最低投入數量為 1,000 MITH。

用戶鎖倉完成之後,Steaker 帳戶後台每五秒會產生一次利潤,用戶只要登入 Steaker 帳號就可以查看每小時產生的總利潤(備註:雖然每五秒產生一次利息,但投放成效表是每小時更新一次)。特別提醒,如在鎖倉過程中提前贖回可以獲得全額本金,但是累積的利息則會歸零。


  • 一年期 APR 10%


關於 MITH(秘銀)

MITH 是個去中心化的社交網絡,以區塊鏈技術回饋內容生產者的貢獻。秘銀要構築的是一個以秘銀幣為核心的完整的生態系。人們可以透過秘銀生態系獲得秘銀幣、輕鬆管理自己的資產、並將秘銀幣用於各種生活場景。

如欲申購秘銀定存方案,請至 Steaker 官網註冊,登入後點選申購方案就可以開始體驗了!

MITH Staking project annual percentage rate (APR) adjustment starts on June 2nd, 2020 (UTC+8).

MITH Staking, a co-launch project with MITH in 2019. MITH holders can easily earn rewards by depositing their MITH into Steaker.

Reward generates as fast as every 5 seconds. Starting with a 1,000 MITH minimum, users can lock the funds for 12 months to generate 10% APR interest in return, updated hourly on Steaker. There will not be a penalty if you wish to redeem halfway through the staking period; however, accumulated interests will be zero.

About MITH Staking:

  • APR 10% for 12-month Staking

About MITH

MITH is a decentralized social media platform that rewards all content creators. MITH aims to construct a comprehensive ecosystem that revolves around MITH. Users will be able to acquire MITH through the MITH ecosystem, manage their assets effortlessly, and further spend MITH in various real-life scenarios.

Visit Steaker for more information. (Sign up in order to view the project.)