
We are turning 1|Steaker 一歲了

Sep 14, 2020

Steaker is turning 1|Steaker 一歲了

[ 中文在下方 / Read Chinese Below ]

It has been an incredible year. We are lucky to have our beloved users on the journey. In the past year, the number of users and the total assets under management have grown exceptional by relying on word of mouth and users’ recommendations (without costing any advertising budget).

Today we relaunch the USDT Cream Farming (one of our popular projects) to celebrate our first anniversary. If you missed the X% last time, now is your chance to seize the opportunity. It’s now or never!

About USDT Cream Farming

USDT Cream Farming is Steaker’s star farming project with an unpredictable return. The project allows the newbie to farm without handling the smart contracts. Expert yield farmers do not need to pay a pricy Gas Fee to farm CREAM; Steaker will take care of them.

Application Period: 9/14 15:00–9/22 23:59 (UTC+8)

Project Start Time: 9/23 15:00 (UTC+8)

*It is a unique project that is limited to 1,000,000 USDT. This project is a medium to high-risk strategy, with a -5% stop-loss mechanism.

MAX amount of investment to all level members:

  • Regular users MAX amount of investment: 3,000 USDT
  • Wagyu A1 MAX amount of investment: 20,000 USDT
  • Wagyu A2 MAX amount of investment: 50,000 USDT
  • Wagyu A3 MAX amount of investment: 300,000 USDT

Free charge of handling fee till October 31

We have also extended the free handling fee campaign for another month. (Originally, the free handling campaign is only until the end of September.) As long as users complete the application for any Steaker project before October 31, 2020 (must complete deposit), there will be no handling fee generated (only the performance fee will be charged). As for how the handling fee will be charged after the campaign, we will announce it in October.

Finally, I’d like to share exciting news with our Wagyu members. We will soon host an event to thank our VIP members for their support. Wagyu members may receive an invitation letter within this month; stay tuned!

For more information about USDT Cream Farming, please go to Steaker.com.

Steaker 一歲了!新方案,新規則。

2020年9月,Steaker 滿一週年,感謝各位用戶陪我們一路走來,過去一年在沒有花任何廣告預算,靠用戶們的推薦及口耳相傳的效應,讓我們全球用戶數及總 AUM 都穩定成長,更獲得許多主流媒體及意見領袖們的關注。

為了慶祝一週年,我們決定再次推出 USDT Cream 耕收方案,自從推出後,就一直收到詢問何時會再開放申購,上次沒跟到 X% 熱潮的人請把握機會!

關於 USDT Cream 耕收方案第二期

Steaker 熱門耕收方案,收益上限無法預估,無需熟悉智能合約架構與操作也能加入。耕收農民們(Yield Farmers)不需要負擔昂貴的 Gas Fee,由 Steaker 為你買單,不用擔心侵蝕利潤。


申購時間:9/14 15:00–9/22 23:59 (UTC+8)

開始時間:9/23 15:00 (UTC+8)

*本方案屬於中高風險獲利策略,設有 -5% 止損機制。


  • 一般會員 3,000 USDT
  • Wagyu A1 20,000 USDT
  • Wagyu A2 50,000 USDT
  • Wagyu A3 300,000 USDT

免收手續費至 10月31日

除此之外,我們也決定將免手續費的優惠活動再延長一個月(原訂免手續優惠只到 9 月底)。只要在 2020 年 10 月 31 日之前完成任何方案申購(有入金完成才算是申購完成)都可享有免收手續費的優惠(只酌收績效費)。至於活動結束後會如何酌收手續費,預定 10 月會公告未來的手續費規範。

最後小預告一下,近期 Steaker 將舉辦 Wagyu 會員活動以感謝大力支持我們的 VIP 客戶。Wagyu 會員們本月內可能會收到一封神秘的邀請函,關子就先賣到這裡囉,敬請期待。

更多關於 USDT Cream 耕收方案請至官網查詢。