Introducing the ‘automatic renewal’ feature
Mar 25, 2021
Steaker releases the ‘automatic renewal’ feature today. Read below to find out what’s new and who may benefit from the latest updates!
Set up ‘automatic renewal’ while subscribing to projects
This is tailored for those who prefer projects with short contract periods. For example, the subscribers of the upgraded Fixed-Rate (7 days). Simply select the ‘automatic renewal’ option while subscribing, and the system will automatically renew the same project with the settlement amount upon maturity.
The ‘automatic renewal’ icon will appear at the ‘performance’ page after finishing set up.
Cancel ‘automatic renewal’ at any time before maturity
We understand that people often hesitate when making investment decisions, so don’t worry if you change your mind. You have one chance to adjust the setting for every single project at any time before maturity. After completing the email verification, the ‘automatic renewal’ setting will be canceled right away!